Sunday, 24 November 2019

my Fake PostCard

i found hard was creating i found easy was doing my background i enjoyed fun was making the whole thing next time i need to have my post card longer

Monday, 12 August 2019

Our Inquiry about sustainability

This term were focusing on Sustainability. This is my title page I put lots of detail on it like the turtle  the earth and many other things. I'm not the best drawer but I tried. I hope you like it. What is your favorite thing on here?

Sunday, 11 August 2019

This is my animation I created for fun with my class. I was stuck so i asked Corann he is good with technology thats why its so smooth. What I found hard was making my mouth be in shape. what i found easy was making my brain pop out.What I enjoyed was everything and trying something new.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

 we were learning about conflict! I found it easy to make this slide because i have lots of experience on google slides. I found it hard to make the people because i normally use google drawings. I really enjoyed trying new things. Next time I need to be better at making people with shapes.